Peru - June 2003


Sacred Valley
Macchu Picchu
Chan Chan

PERU 2003

I saw a television programme late last year called "50 places to go before you die" or something similar ... in fifth place was Macchu Picchu. I sat there thinking it was somewhere I had always wanted to go and figured that if I didn't start actually going to some of these places, I never would. So, a little internet research later, I'd booked the trip from which I've just returned.

Peru was everything I'd imagined and so much more - everyone knows of Macchu Picchu and other Inca ruins, which are indeed remarkable, but I also spent some time in the jungle, where it is impossible not to completely relax, and in the coastal region to the north of the country, visiting sites from the Moche and Chimu cultures, which preceded the Incas, dating from around 100-750AD and 1000-1470AD respectively.

I didn't have time on this trip to visit Titicaca or the Nazca Lines or to witness the magnificent condors soaring over the Colca canyon - which means I'll have plenty to see on my next visit!

I have to confess to coming home with something in excess of 500 photos (thank god for digital cameras!), but I've selected just a few to give a flavour of this wonderful country. They are arranged in albums, accessed from the links on the left. I hope you enjoy them.

If my photos have whetted your appetite for Peru, I cannot do better than recommend Llama Travel (UK based) - they offer great value for money, the organisation of the trip was faultless and their knowledge of Peru and all it offers is second to none. And if you're more adventurous than me and wish to travel independently, their excellent site includes a comprehensive Peru Guide to help you plan your trip.

Finally, thank you to my companions on this incredible journey - without you Peru would have been just as beautiful but I wouldn't have had nearly so much fun!
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